Thursday, October 23, 2008

What do you choose to give your city?

I choose to give my city a aquapark with BIG slides 

What do you choose to give your friends?

I choose to give them Love, to be there for them, and a trip to Bali

What do you choose to give strangers?

I choose to give them Anders and a hug and the biggest lollypop a person can carry

What do you choose to give to the city you live inn?

I choose to give Stavanger more clubs 

What do you choose to give a friend?

I choose to give my friend who has birthday this week a Super Sunday, and for my mommy I give her the most expensive gift
What do you choose to give to the city you live in?

I choose to give those who live here a great life and housing for all who needs it. 

What do you choose to give to the world?

Equal rights to everyone no matter what color or religion they may have

What do you choose to give to your friends?

I choose to give compassion and love

What do you choose to give to your friends?

I would choose to give something that I could have given to myself. To a girlfriend of mine who tells me that she gets inspired when we are together, I choose to give her even more inspiration.

What do you choose to give your family?

I choose to give them presence

What do you choose to give to the world?

I choose to give understanding.
What do you choose to give your city?

I choose to give it a university / education

What do you choose to give your friends?

Money, unlimited. Ooh Yeeah. Or mabe two million to each of them. A suitable amount

What do you choose to give your family?

Money enough to live freely  .. all debt erased so that they can live a comfortable and free life

What do you choose to give to the world?

Unlimited of recourses to the world of science. Especially for healthcare science.
What do you choose to give to the city you live in?

I choose to remove the parking building (Jorunholmen) and rebuild it into a foodbazar   

What do you choose to give to the world?

I chose to give unlimited amount of renewable energy for everyone
What do you choose to give to the city you live in?

I choose to give more colours, more light, a lot of love to everyone who lives here, kindness and compassion

What do you want to give to friends?

My self 

What do you choose to give the world?

I choose to give food to everyone, peace on earth. And I choose to give it paradise and more of all that is good

What do you choose to give to the world?

I choose to give unlimited healthcare to everyone - wherever they live

What do you choose to give to strangers?

LUCK and whatever they want

What do you choose to give your family?

I choose to give them everything they need. And take them to a nice restaurant for a joyful evening 

do you choose to give the city you live in?

I chose to give the city of Portland an artist run museum

What do you choose to give your friends?

I choose to give lifelong healthcare to everyone i know, and erase their student debt

What do you choose to give family members?

I choose to give my dad the apartment he has rented for the last 24 years

What do you choose to give the world?

I choose to give the world renewable energy and free acess to everything on itunes