Saturday, April 19, 2008

April 2008

What do you want do give to the world?

Have u ever had that feeling of being very special, filled with light
and love? When u are in that state, its pure magic. You cant stop
smiling, u cant stop feeling happy, its all just pure loooooove!! This
I want to give. The ultimate feeling and state of being just Pure
Unconditional Loooove, light and magic. Cause that is what life is
about: Remembering our own source, we are Magic, light and love.

What do You wanna give to strangers?
Think of a flower in the middle of the day. Its bright, open, and
ready to spread its beauty to whomever that wants to recive. Its maybe
really small compared to everything around, -but it has so much to
offer, so much power! Especially in spring this is really
powerful. After a long time sleep, it wakes up, and its suddenly just
there! A little mirical happening every singel day! This feeling that
I get when experiencing the flowers beuty, powers and strenght, is a
true magic moment. Abundance for life, the greatness of it ALL. This I
want to give the stranger. Gratitude for life, and consciousness
around all the miracles happening on a daily basis.

Inger Marie Paulsen, photo - Atle Dahl

What do you wanna give to the world?
Positivity. Misery is contagious, happiness is infectious :D
What do you wanna give to a stranger?
A wave, smile and a thank you... and maybe some coca cola.
What do you wanna give to friends?
I give my friends fairy lights and scented or colored candles all the time - everyone appreciates a little light in their life. It's such a simple little thing but it always reminds them that you are thinking of them.
What do you wanna give to the city you live in?
I'm going to be a guerillia gardener and sprinkle seeds in places that need pretty flowers.
What do you wanna give to your family?
The best thing you can give your family is time. Nobody lies on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at work, shopping or at the gym. It is only through spending a little more time that you create a lot more memories!

What do you wanna give to the world?
A piece of cake, literally. Cake makes everyone happy!
What do you wanna give to a stranger?
A stare. Just so they feel awkward. and then followed by a smile to make them confused. It amuses me.
What do you wanna give to friends?
A one of a kind friendship and lots of love, of course. Though i'd like to give my best friend an endless supply of train tickets to visit me!
What do you wanna give to the city you live in?
A nightbus service! it sucks to catch a cab home after a late night. But apart form that Oxford is just perfect the way it is :)
What do you wanna give to your family?
A place where we can all be together under one roof again! I dont remember when the last everyone was at home! It sucks that 2 of my brothers are working out of the country. Part and parcel of growing up, ay?

Lots of electronic love
Bob Samid

What do you wanna give to the world?
Happiness and love. We never have enough of those and we should spread it out to the world.
What do you wanna give to a stranger?
Enjoyable times. I think friendship starts with sharing. I'll spend times with
him/her and listen to whatever he/she wants to tell me. My favorite line to a stranger is:Tell me a story abt yourself. :)
What do you wanna give to friends?
A lot of supports and understanding.

What do you wanna give to the city you live in?

Good Reputation.I live in this city called Minneapolis in Minnesota. It may not be as famous as Chicago to the world. (Both located in Mid-west.) But I think people in here are awesome because of how much they love and enjoy
all types of art.

What do you wanna give to your family? Unconditional love. My mom once told me life is like a train, your friends or significant other may get on and off. But family will always be there for you.

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